Here is English version. Most contents are not updated and "out of date".

Flickr photo shareing : ID workshop


workshop diary : PC Engine NEWS only ver. ( Hanena blog, Japanese. Update everytime if new PCEngine topic comes! )

workshop blog : contains PC Engine flavor ( Hanena blog, Japanese, every day update)

workshop blog.(with Large pics, Japanese)

Mr Mizuguti ( UGA, SEGA ) . Check [Rez].


for your "Stylish" PC Engine Life.
Here is [English ver index]

last update 2022-06-01
Fixed links.

Sorry, very little English contents is here now, just only few page.
Index of English texts
software and hardware treading (.)

Japanese site guide. (Update 29 OCT. 2005)
I was asked about "Good [PC engine sites] for not Japanese" many times.
This small link would help your "stylish PC engine life".


Profile: about me.

mail to me:


(These following texts are written in Japanese)


How 2 store videogames?
How do you store your videogames?
If you have over 100 softwares or over 5 hardwares, check these photos.


"Not well-known tips"about PC engine.
This is "Not well-known tips".
It may useful for few people(++;, but some tips are very useful.


columns(Sorry, written in Japanese)

  • Message board
These English texts may have some grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
If you find some,please tell me which words are mistaken and how I should correct them.
I hope you point them out.

Thanks for your visiting.

Takumi Suidu


Japanese index